Friday, January 25, 2013

Defining Culture

Defining Culture

Although it has a specific denotative assignment, I feel that 'culture' is a term that is every bit as ambiguous and ever-changing as its central components may be. I believe that culture is comprised of more than just the individuals who contribute to it; I believe that culture also includes the byproducts, manifestations and legacies of those who amass its indefinite structure.

I feel that, in studying culture, you will forever struggle to precisely identify its encompassing scope. I also predict that when attempting to define what constitutes a contribution to a contemporary culture, you will forever find reason to include any medium or symbol within that breadth.

I am not sure that I could ever nail down, with any sort of precision, what the term 'culture' collectively means. I think I could find justification to include any sort of piece of art or expression within the bounds of a cultural contribution. I believe that culture encompasses the behavior and idealism of a people, but in that same sense I believe that we are all people, and that there is no specific illustration that could encompass the attitudes and ideals of us all.

As I continuously struggle to define culture, I believe culture will continuously manifest itself before us. I look forward to watching it unfold.

1 comment:

  1. Meredith, i completely agree that culture is difficult to define due to is "indefinite structure". Culture is in the eye of the beholder, which is based on perspective. You sum that up great in this sentence, "you will forever struggle to precisely identify its encompassing scope."
